Zuby: A brief history of Rhyme!

Professor Brian Keating
3 min readAug 5, 2020
Zuby: The Rapping Test!

Rapper, author, and fitness expert Zuby is my guest on this episode of INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE. He is also a podcast host, lifestyle coach, and public speaker — a busy and popular guy who I am pleased made time to come on and answer my questions.

We started the conversation talking about his book “Strong Advice: Zuby’s Guide to Fitness For Everybody.” As I’ve mentioned in other episodes, I am working on my own weight loss and nutrition journey. I asked him about motivation versus habit versus ritual, harkening back to what I learned from Jud Brewer’s visit to the podcast. “Motivation gets you started and habit keeps you going,” is Zuby’s take.

His healthy mindset spans decades into the future, not just the weeks that you might dedicate to a fad diet. There are so many ideas out there, but what I like about Zuby’s plan is that it manages to be both generalized and personalized. He stresses recognizing and then fulfilling one’s own potential, rather than expecting either too much or too little of yourself and your body.

He did mention making adjustments due to the lack of gym access during the pandemic. “What I’m trying to do right now really is about maintenance,” Zuby says. “I’m trying to maintain and make sure I don’t lose too much muscle and make sure I don’t gain too much fat. And just overall stay healthy both physically and psychologically.”

Because Zuby studied computer science at Oxford, I decided to ask him about artificial intelligence — and I’m so glad that I did. He touched on a few of Arthur C. Clarke’s laws without even being prompted. Great minds think alike.

When it comes to the idea that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” Zuby acknowledged that so much has changed within his lifetime that it’s impossible to predict what will seem normal to use in another thirty years.

This came in response to my questions about whether AI could pass a musical Turing Test. Could it make compelling music or hold its own in a rap battle? His response — “I hope that it’s never possible,” is an interesting one, and I appreciate his brand of honesty.

This led to an interesting discussion about humanity’s curiosity and the idea that just because we can do something, does that mean we should? Zuby says he fears that humans will eventually end up killing ourselves off due to advancing science and technology. I postulated that because science means knowledge and not wisdom, that perhaps what we actually need is AW, artificial wisdom, not AI.

We wrapped up our conversation with the thought experiment of what classes he would offer at Zuby University if that is the eventual track of his brand’s expansion. His pragmatic inclusion of interpersonal skills, public speaking, and entrepreneurship would surely lead to a well-rounded generation of students. Finances and fitness would be mandatory because, as he says, “Everyone is going to deal with money and everyone is going to deal with health.”

Zuby is a great mind and a motivational coach. He mentioned that he’d like his next book to cover these broad interests, connecting the body and mind. I look forward to reading and learning more from him in the years to come.

Buy Zuby’s book and albums.

Listen to the “Real Talk with Zuby” podcast. https://www.zubymusic.com/podcast

Watch Zuby’s interview on The Ben Shapiro Show.

Find Zuby on the web and Twitter @zubymusic

Find Brian Keating on Twitter @DrBrianKeating and YouTube

Please subscribe, rate, and review the INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast on iTunes for a chance to win a copy of Zuby’s book: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-impossible/id1169885840?mt=2

Zuby is a musician, author, podcaster, public speaker, fitness expert, and life coach. He studied computer science at Oxford.



Professor Brian Keating

Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor at UC San Diego. Host of The INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast Authored: Losing the Nobel Prize & Think like a Nobel Prize Winner