Patrick Bet-David: Your Next Five Moves!

Professor Brian Keating
4 min readAug 20, 2020

YouTube superstar and serial entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David is my guest on this episode of INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE. We discuss his work ethic, his newest book “Your Next 5 Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy,” and much more in this fast-paced interview.

I started by asking Patrick about his next 5 moves if his business outlook were to change drastically. I appreciate his honesty about having to take time to process, that’s an important step 1. And then the rebound — of course he wouldn’t stay down for long.

“10 different people are going to react to that problem in 10 different ways,” says Patrick. “The sequence of how you handle that dictates your success. Everything comes down to your next 5 moves. And most people don’t do them right, they typically…screw the whole thing up.”

One of his earlier books is called “Doing the Impossible” so he has the perfect mindset for a guest of INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE. Patrick also revealed he’s written a fiction book, which I can’t wait to read. Stay tuned for that, which he says won’t be released until after he’s left the insurance sales company he founded, PHP Agency, 2–3 years from now.

Patrick continues to inspire as we moved onto the topic of his philosophies on teaching and learning. If Bet-David University existed, it would tap into lessons already learned by consulting a variety of experts.

“If we’re teaching economics, you would have three professors — a socialist, a communist, and a capitalist. And you get to watch them debate nonstop. That’s how I would teach.”

This style — knowing the right people are out there and consulting their vast knowledge — makes a lot of sense. Imagine the critical thinking skills that students would develop under these circumstances.

Patrick is himself a great example of this kind of extraordinary thinking. In his office hangs a painting called “Dead Mentors.” It shows great minds of varied backgrounds all deep in conversation and debate. Wouldn’t we all love to be sitting in that empty chair opposite Albert Einstein, listening to the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Tupac, JFK, MLK, and others?

Patrick is one of the most successful YouTubers in history, so his tips for how to widen the reach of INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE are priceless. Not sure we’ll catch up to his 2.5 million subscribers anytime soon, but having him back the podcast by appearing as a guest is a great start.

I am thrilled and humbled that Patrick said I make his list of top 3 interviewers. What a compliment! I’m especially pleased to hear that my questions are ones he isn’t usually asked. When you talk to a great mind at work, you can’t just go with the standard FAQ. If I make it look easy, know that it’s a lot of work to do enough research to be prepared but also establish a casual rapport. Many thanks to Patrick for being an enthusiastic guest, which makes my job as an interviewer easier.

Though it’s a theme of the book “Your Next 5 Moves,” Patrick and I didn’t touch much on the chess aspect. It is part of his business mindset and I could have gone on for hours about the strategy parallels. Hopefully someday we can sit down to a game of chess and have another great chat.

Pre-order Bet-David’s newest book “Your Next 5 Moves” here:

Take the personality assessment quiz to help decide Your Next 5 Moves.

Check out Valuetainment’s YouTube channel.

Find Patrick Bet-David on the web and Twitter @patrickbetdavid

Find Brian Keating on Twitter @DrBrianKeating and YouTube

Please subscribe, rate, and review the INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast on iTunes for a chance to win a copy of Bet-David’s book:

Patrick Bet-David immigrated to the US from Iran as a child. He served in the U.S. Army and then began to work in the financial industry. He founded the successful insurance sales company PHP Agency. His Valuetainment YouTube channel has nearly 2.5 million subscribers. He recently started the podcast “The Bet-David Show.”



Professor Brian Keating

Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor at UC San Diego. Host of The INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast Authored: Losing the Nobel Prize & Think like a Nobel Prize Winner